Escursione con guida alla basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio a Roma Roma Bella
Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio. See all things to do. See all things to do. Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio. 4.5. 219 reviews #131 of 2,420 things to do in Rome. Ancient Ruins Religious Sites Churches & Cathedrals. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Tuesday. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM.

Walls decorated with frescoes portraying scenes of martyrdom in the Basilica di Santo Stefano
The basilica of Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio is a fifth-century Catholic place of worship that rises in Rome on the Celio. It was also known as Santo Stefano in Girimonte, Santo Stefano in Querquetulano (for its proximity to an oak forest), Santo Stefano in capite Africæ (for its proximity to the ancient Vicus Capitis Africae). See the.

Walls decorated with frescoes portraying scenes of martyrdom in the Basilica di Santo Stefano
Via di Santo Stefano Rotondo 7. Celio. Suggest an edit to this attraction.. Basilica dei SS Giovanni e Paolo al Celio. 0.26 MILES. A popular wedding location, this handsome medieval church dates to the 4th century when it was built over the houses of two Roman martyrs. It has since…

The chapel of Saints Primo and Feliciano in the Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio
The Church of Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio. Dating back to the 5th century A.D., the Church of Santo Stefano Rotondo is the oldest church with a circular plan in Rome. It is preceded by a portico with five arches on tall ancient granite columns with Corinthian capitals. First, it consisted of a circular room, circumscribed by two concentric.

Roma Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio Foto & Bild italy, world, kirche Bilder auf
Santo Stefano al Monte Celio, also known as Santo Stefano Rotondo or "The Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round" in English, is a large cylindrical basilica dating to the 5th century AD and the National Church of Hungary in Rome. Andrea Bertozzi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio e gli affreschi dei martiri RestaurArs
Vedi tutte le attività. Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo. 4.5. 219 recensioni. n. 131 di 2.420 attività a Roma. Rovine anticheSiti religiosiChiese e cattedrali. Aperto ora. 10.00 - 13.00, 15.30 - 18.30. Scrivi una recensione.

I promessi viaggi Roma la Chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio
Basilica di Santo Stefano al Monte Celio, Rome. (WordRidden- flickr/creative commons license) The Stefano Rotondo was built in 470 A.D. in Rome Italy, and consecrated under Pope Simplicius to St. Stephen the martyr. It is Rome's most characteristic example of central type cathedrals. The Rotunda is 80m long by 45m wide, and originally had.

Experience The Basilica of Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio
S. Stefano Rotondo, Nördliche Außenansicht mit der Vorhalle von 1140, Gemälde von Ettore Roesler Franz, um 1880.. Die Basilica minor Santo Stefano Rotondo, auch Santo Stefano al Monte Celio, vollständig Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio, ist eine Kirche in Rom auf dem Hügel Celio im Osten der Altstadt im 1. Rione Monti.Sie wurde zwischen 468 und 483 geweiht und trägt das.

Escursione con guida alla basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio a Roma Roma Bella
Hotels near Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio: (0.18 km) Domus Caracalla (0.35 km) Appartamenti Marcoaurelio49 (0.41 km) Hotel Lancelot (0.42 km) Capo D'Africa Hotel - Colosseo (0.26 km) Hotel Valeri; View all hotels near Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio on Tripadvisor

ROMA Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio 4K YouTube
La basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio è un luogo di culto cattolico del V secolo che sorge a Roma sul Celio . Fu conosciuta anche come Santo Stefano in Girimonte, Santo Stefano in Querquetulano (per la sua vicinanza ad un querceto), Santo Stefano in capite Africae (per la sua vicinanza all'antico Vicus Capitis Africae ).

Basilica di Santo Stefano al Monte Celio, Roma European Architecture, Baroque Architecture
The Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round on the Celian Hill (Basilica di Santo Stefano al Monte Celio), commonly named Santo Stefano Rotondo, is Hungary's 'national church' in Rome.It is dedicated to both Saint Stephen, the Christian first martyr, and Stephen I, the sanctified first king of Hungary who imposed Christianity on his subjects.

The Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round on the Caelian Hill (Italian: Basilica di Santo Stefano al Monte Celio, Latin: Basilica S. Stephani in Caelio Monte) is an ancient basilica and titular church in Rome, Italy.Commonly named Santo Stefano Rotondo, the church is Hungary's "national church" in Rome, dedicated to both Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, and Stephen I, the canonized.

Attraction in Rome Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo BrowsingRome
Visita guidata alla chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio. La visita guidata alla chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio a Roma sarà l'occasione per conoscere la meravigliosa chiesa risalente al V secolo dedicata al diacono e primo martire, Santo Stefano. La chiesa, spesso poco nota gli stessi romani, è collocata sul Celio, uno dei.

Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio Romaguida
Risalente al V sec. d.C., la Chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo rappresenta la più antica chiesa a pianta circolare di Roma.. È preceduta da un portico a cinque arcate, su alte colonne antiche di granito con capitelli corinzi.In origine, era costituita da un ambiente circolare, circoscritto da due ambulacri concentrici, formati da due giri di colonne: l'ambulacro esterno era intersecato dai.

Chiesa di Santo Stefano Rotondo
The Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio. This 5th century church honors Saint Stephen and stands on the Celio Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome. It continues to be one of the important sites in Rome for Hungarians since the 15th century when in 1454, Pope Nicholas V turned over the basilica to the followers of Saint Paul the Hermit.

A Brief History of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio in Rome
Written by: Kate Zusmann. The Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round on the Caelian Hill (Italian: Basilica di Santo Stefano al Monte Celio) is a historic church in Rome. It is one of the city's oldest and most influential churches, dating back to the 5th century. The basilica is renowned for its unique circular design, and its interior is.
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