Percy Summers Gossip Tour De France 2023 Startliste
HALL OF FAME 2023. Meteo informations by Centro funzionale Regionale Any dissemination for commercial purposes of photographic or video images captured during the event, via any means (internet, social networks, TV, press, magazines, etc.), without written authorisation from the organisation is prohibited.

La Route des Géants 2023 www.ieperfietst.be
Franco Collé takes back Tor des Géants®️: it's his fourth and a new record: 66h39'16"Follow the race live here: https://live.torxtrail.com/ Follow us on.
The TOR330 Tor des Géants® kicks off TORX Trail Running Races 615 September 2024
TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà. Tu sei qui. Home. TOR330 - Tor des Géants® Classifiche/Rankings. HALL OF FAME 2023. MEN TIME WOMEN TIME; 1° Franco Collè. Classifiche/Ranking; TOR130 - Tot Dret. Tot Dret Classifica / Classement / Ranking.

Jonas Russi vince il TOR330 Tor des Géants The Pill Outdoor Journal
Domenica al via il Tor des Géants 2023: i campioni e la diretta streaming 24 ore su 24. I migliori atleti al mondo dell'endurance trail si daranno battaglia lungo i 330 km della gara che.
Gli Orchi Trailers Blog Sulle Tracce del TOR DES GEANTS Alta Via nr.2 (Ao) Agosto 2016
As it started in the sign of records, it couldn't but continue with other impressive numbers. The curtain falls on the 14th edition of TorX Tor des Géants after it thrilled, excited, took the breath away, crowded the Aosta Valley trail with athletes, enthusiasts, friends, family, fans, volunteers for ten days. An epic race, a giant party, one thousand and one stories to tell, an experience.

Venerdì 16 Febbraio. Peso - GRAND PRIX JUNIOR- SENIOR U/36 (nati/e dal 2006 al 1989) Sabato 17 Febbraio. Gara - GRAND PRIX JUNIOR- SENIOR U/36. Gara - TORNEO GIOVANILE (nati/e 2015-2016) U/10 - (nati/e 2013/2014) U/12. Domenica 18 Febbraio. Considerato l'elevato numero di partecipanti alla gara di Domenica 18 Febbraio, la durata.

TORX Trail Running Races 615 Settembre 2024 TOR330 Tor des Geants® TOR450 Tor des Glaciers
A non-profit organization. Born in July 2013, the ITRA (International Trail Running Association) aims to give a voice to parties involved in trail running in order to promote its strong values, its diversity, the safety of races and the health of runners, as well as to further the development of trail running and ensure a constructive dialogue.

Il "viaggio" di Gianluigi tra sonno e gioia il Tor des Géants
Highlights from the route of TOR330 - Tor des GéantsFollow the race live here: https://live.torxtrail.com/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/To.

TOR330 Tor des Géants®, revisione classifica ufficiale TORX Trail Running Races 817
Franco Collé broke his own course record, set back in 2021, to win the 2023 Tor des Géants in emphatic fashion as Emma Stuart took victory in the women's race.. The Italian won the race for a fourth time, after successes in 2014, 2018 and 2021, setting a new course mark of 66:39:16. He shaved four minutes and 41 seconds of the time he set in is last success at the event.

Dublin Chaussée des Géants, Dark Hedges, Dunluce, Belfast GetYourGuide
The majestic Italian Alps witnessed once again one of the toughest and most challenging competitions in the world of trail running: the Tor des Géants 2023. For a week, elite runners and intrepid adventurers braved unforgiving mountainous terrain, changing weather conditions and a test of endurance that tests human limits. Queen Distance.

Visiter la Chaussée des Géants réservations & tarifs

Tor des Géants 2019 GognaBlog
Tor de Géants 2023: per Franco Collé quarta vittoria e nuovo record — Collé rimasto solo al comando a quel punto voleva solo battere il suo stesso record di 66 ore 43 minuti e 57 secondi.A.
🏃 TOR X 2023 Parcours, inscriptions & résultats Finishers
Highlights from the route of TOR330 - Tor des GéantsFollow the race live here: https://live.torxtrail.com/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/To.

"Boss" Peter Sagan Tour de France 2017 presentation Dusseldorf credit cyclingimages . Racing
TORX 2023 TOR330 - Tor des Géants. Nothing should take for granted at Tor des Géants, that is one undisputed truth: whoever tried or lived this race knows it well.Someone who has learned this lesson is Franco Collé, particularly after what happened in 2017 when, firmly in the lead, withdrew in Bosses, 30 km from the finish line, giving way to the victory of Javi Dominguez Ledo.

tor des geants 2023 archivos CARRERAS DE MONTAÑA, POR MAYAYO
Si ricordano le QUOTE DI PARTECIPAZIONE (non rimborsabili): - per ogni atleta JU/SE 25€ con pagamento entro il 7 Febbraio 2024. Successivamente, fino al 12 febbraio, la quota d'Iscrizione sarà di 50€; - per ogni atleta ES/A - ES/B - CA 17€ con pagamento entro il 7 Febbraio 2024. Successivamente, fino al 12 febbraio, la quota d'Iscrizione sarà di 34€.

Classifica Master Tour 2023 Atletica Sarnico
Length. about 330km (205mi) Men's Record. Franco Collé, 66h43' (2021) Women's Record. Sabrina Verjee, 80h19' (2022) Site. Official site. Tor des Géants (meaning Tour of Giants in Valdôtain, the dialect of Arpitan spoken in Aosta Valley) is an endurance trail race which takes place in Aosta Valley, Italy, in September.
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